The Drone Chart - 2021 Drone/Quadcopter Comparison

DJI Ryze Tello vs Eachine Cinecan Comparison

Below is a table of specs comparing the DJI Ryze Tello drone and the Eachine Cinecan drone.

DJI Ryze Tello Eachine Cinecan
Buy Buy DJI Ryze Tello Buy Eachine Cinecan
Compare Compare DJI Ryze Tello with other drones Compare Eachine Cinecan with other drones
Altitude Hold?YN
Approx Price100?
Collision Avoidance?N?
Diagonal Size?85
Flight Time13?
Can do flips?Y?
Focal length?dual f2.8/12mega
FPS res??
Headless Mode?NN
Intelligent Flight Modes?Y?
Max photo res2592x1936?
Maximum range100?
Max speed17?
Max video FPS1920x1080 @30fps720P/120FPS 16:9
Max video res1920x1080 @30fps4K/30FPS 16:9
Buy Buy DJI Ryze Tello Buy Eachine Cinecan
Compare Compare DJI Ryze Tello with other drones Compare Eachine Cinecan with other drones

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