The Drone Chart - 2021 Drone/Quadcopter Comparison

HBFPV FF65 V2 vs iFlight Cidora SL5-E 4S Comparison

Below is a table of specs comparing the HBFPV FF65 V2 drone and the iFlight Cidora SL5-E 4S drone.

HBFPV FF65 V2 iFlight Cidora SL5-E 4S
Buy Buy HBFPV FF65 V2 Buy iFlight Cidora SL5-E 4S
Compare Compare HBFPV FF65 V2 with other drones Compare iFlight Cidora SL5-E 4S with other drones
Altitude Hold???
Approx Price109200
Collision Avoidance???
Diagonal Size65215
Flight Time55
Can do flips???
Focal length2.1(m8) fov 155°2.1
FPS res700 TVL1200 TVL
Headless Mode???
Intelligent Flight Modes???
Max photo res??
Maximum range??
Max speed??
Max video FPS??
Max video res??
Included screen res??
Screen Size1/3" cmos1/1.8" starlight hdr sensor
Buy Buy HBFPV FF65 V2 Buy iFlight Cidora SL5-E 4S
Compare Compare HBFPV FF65 V2 with other drones Compare iFlight Cidora SL5-E 4S with other drones

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